Product Fail and Fix

Write a Product Fail and Fix Review

Day 6: Write a Product Fail and Fix Review

One thing many of your followers may be interested in is how to remedy a situation when they have already purchased or are considering purchasing a product that has a flaw.

There are times when you can provide your readers with the fix they need to go through with a purchase despite any drawbacks. If you are reviewing a digital product, and it is missing certain vital information, you might be able to explain what they need to know in a separate report when and if they buy through your link.

If it’s a tangible product, you might know of a workaround or a tip for using something to make it work properly or better. Sometimes you can find these tips in the questions and answers section or the comments section on Amazon for tangible products.

Your followers will appreciate this because many affiliates simply try to sweep the flaws a product has under the rug. Consumers will know what’s wrong with the product, and if you can provide a simple fix, you will go a long way in securing their loyalty.

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A blog post focused on a “Product Fail and Fix Review,” is like giving a second chance to otherwise good products.  They might not have hit the mark initially but can still provide value with a little tweaking or additional info. Here’s a breakdown of how to structure this type of review.

1. Introduction: The Why

Start by explaining the purpose of your review. Acknowledge that no product is perfect, but with the right tricks or additional information, many can still be worthwhile.

Example: “Ever grabbed a gadget or signed up for a course only to find it lacking? I’ve been there too. That’s why I’m showing you how to turn this product fail into a win with a few simple fixes.”

2. The Product: Initial Impressions

Briefly describe the product and the flaw or missing element that might deter someone from purchasing it or lead to disappointment.

Example for a Digital Product: “The ‘Master SEO in 30 Days’ course promises a traffic boost, but it glosses over the crucial topic of keyword research.”

Example for a Tangible Product: “The XYZ Smart Blender is a dream for smoothie lovers but has a notorious issue with leaking seals.”

3. The Fix: Solutions and Workarounds

Here’s where you provide value by offering solutions to the product’s shortcomings. Whether it’s additional resources or a DIY fix, show how the product can still be a smart choice.

For Digital Products: “To fill the gap, I’ve created an exclusive report on keyword research, free for anyone who purchases the course through my link. It covers everything the course missed, ensuring you’re fully equipped to boost your site’s traffic.”

For Tangible Products: “After some digging, I found a simple O-ring adjustment that stops the leaks. Plus, I’ll share a link to a $2 part that can permanently solve the problem, making the XYZ Smart Blender a worthy kitchen companion.”

4. Pros and Cons: Reevaluated

Revisit the product’s strengths and weaknesses, including how your fix changes its overall value.

Example: “With the keyword research report, ‘Master SEO in 30 Days’ becomes a complete guide to dominating search engines.”

Example: “The XYZ Smart Blender, once a leaky mess, is now a reliable tool for your health journey.”

5. Conclusion: Your Honest Recommendation

Offer your final thoughts on the product, considering the fixes. Is it worth buying with these solutions in mind?

Example: “Despite its initial flaws, with the added keyword research report, the SEO course is a solid investment for beginners.”

Example: “With a quick fix, the XYZ Blender’s performance and value significantly improve, making it a good buy for smoothie enthusiasts.”

6. Additional Tips and Insights

If you have more advice or alternative fixes, share them here. It’s about giving your readers options and ensuring they get the most out of their purchases.

Always check the Q&A section on product pages for quick fixes to common issues. And for digital products, don’t hesitate to reach out to creators for additional resources—they’re often willing to help.

By creating your product fail and fix review this way, you’re not just critiquing; you’re providing actionable advice that can transform a disappointing purchase into a valuable one. This approach not only builds trust with your audience but also showcases your commitment to helping them make informed decisions and get the best possible value from their buys.

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