The FEAR Factor!

Well, I learned something today.  Actually, I think I always knew it but just would not admit it to myself.

Part of the Quick Start Challenge is to share our blog with other members in the group.  I knew this was part of the challenge and thought nothing of it until I went to share today.

Holy Moly – I just sat there and started at the Write Something and the flashing cursor with my heart racing.  I actually thought of not doing it.

Really, the thought crossed my mind to stop.  My mind then came up with all sorts of justification for NOT moving forward.


I have let FEAR stop me for moving forward.

All these years….

All the wasted time and money…..

For just a moment, I sat there in shock really.

Then, I took a deep breath, and made the post sharing my blog.  Then I left the room, fearful that no one would read it, people that did would not like it and more negative thoughts.

Sure, there are lots of people who will not read it and will not like it.  But I think that some will like it and what I write about my journey will resonate with some people and maybe even help them move forward with their dreams and challenges too.

So, I resolve to NOT LET FEAR STOP ME.

I can feel my heart racing as I type this and my “monkey mind” is squawking away with more fearful thoughts.

Thanks but no thanks, not any more.  I will release them when they come up and move on anyway.

If you have not moved forward with something that you really want to do in life, perhaps it is fear holding you back.

Perhaps you too can resolve to move past your fear.

We’ll see how I handle it when and if fear rears it’s ugly head again.  I’ll let you know how I do.

Now, if I can just overcome my fear of being on video…. that’s my next challenge.



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