AI for Amazon Reviews

Supercharge Your Amazon Reviews with AI

Outrank and Outconvert Your Competition

As an Amazon Associate trying to earn commissions in your niche, you might struggle to outperform others when it comes to getting your Amazon reviews ranked and capable of converting – especially in highly competitive niches.

One area where many affiliates go wrong is in trying to promote products in the most generic, broad fashion possible, like prompting “treadmills” to “fitness enthusiasts.” Not only do they pick the most general items, but they craft their content in a way that lacks the specific information your demographic wants to hear.

If your goal is to maximize your earnings and achieve top ranking in search engines so that you enjoy organic traffic that is easily converted into a sale, you can start leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) tools that help you take a more strategic approach to your review process, like writing a review on space-saving treadmills for home gyms.

AI can help you dominate in any niche by first conducting a market segmentation and sub-niche analysis on your behalf to see what’s needed – and what’s profitable.

Then, it can assist you in tailoring the content for your audience in a way that taps into the buying behavior and preferences of your exact demographic. When someone lands on your content and it fully resonates with their thought process, they are going to be more likely to click through and purchase it because you have addressed their precise needs and pain points, which AI delivered to you.

Below, I’m going to share a very specific strategy where you can wield the power of AI to help you begin cashing in on the depth of knowledge and strategic details it can provide to you to cater to your audience and bury the competition.

AI for Amazon Market Segmentation

Everyone has their favorite AI tools. Some prefer the most popular ones like ChatGPT, Gemini and Claude – while others have found little-known AI tools to work with. Whichever one you use, you want it to have access to the most current data possible.

That way, it can scan vast amounts of information and uncover ways you can segment your market audience. By segmenting or separating information into relevant and related clusters, it lets you zero in on more targeted topics to include in your reviews, which helps them rank and convert better.

Think of a review for a countertop mixer that approaches it from a very broad and generic standpoint. It will be very difficult for you to rank that piece. And the content you write might be so broad that the reader doesn’t feel it addresses their particular needs.

But if you have a review for a specific kind of countertop mixer, where your content is written for home bakers who want to use it for cookies, cakes, bread, and more – that gives depth and added dimensions to your content where the reader feels like you’ve read their mind.

Analyze Basic Market Demographics

AI tools can analyze basic market demographics and customer information online to gauge their preferences, behaviors, pain points, demographic details, goals, and needs in terms of usage of the product.

You can get a variety of customer profiles for your niche topic that will help you narrow down your approach. For example, you can ask AI about the people who are interested in home baking.

It can tell you there’s the weekend baker who uses it as an outlet for stress relief, the health-conscious baker who wants to create their own healthy versions that are sugar or gluten-free, the grandparent baker who enjoys using this to carry on family traditions, aspiring chefs who want to practice techniques at home, seasonal bakers who focus on holidays and special occasions and more.

It goes so far as to tell you little extra things that you need to know about them, like if they were influenced by TV cooking reality shows, need to invest in starter kits, like to share their creations on social media, and so on.

You can even start with a product and ask AI to reverse engineer who would be a good candidate to buy it – and give you details about why they want it, their buyer behavior, and more.

For example, let’s say you have a smart-home website and want to review a Ring Video Doorbell. You can prompt AI like this: “I want to write a review for a Ring Video Doorbell that caters to a specific sub-niche audience. Give me a list of who might be interested in this tech gadget, why, and what their buyer behavior indicates about them.”

Find Sub-groups

AI can identify some sub-groups so you can write a separate review for each one. Remember, every blog post on your domain serves as a separate door to your site. So you can review the Ring Video Doorbell System for each group AI identifies as follows:

  • Seniors or people with mobility issues who can see who is at the door without having to get up. They need ease of use and may need assistance setting it up initially.
  • Apartment dwellers who have high-traffic areas, package theft, and who need apartment-friendly installation.
  • Frequent travelers who are often away and need to communicate with visitors remotely.
  • Parents of latch-key kids who want to monitor the arrival of their children and ensure their safety.
  • Pet owners who want to monitor pet sitters and activity on the property.
  • Airbnb hosts who need to monitor the comings and goings of who is on their property and how they’re behaving

Once you have a sub-niche audience in mind, you can get AI to create a more in-depth and detailed profile of that group. For example, we can prompt AI like this: “For this audience, give me a more in-depth profile of this customer demographic that prepares me to write a comprehensive review based on their needs, income, preferences, worries, etc. – Seniors or people with mobility issues who can see who is at the door without having to get up. They need ease of use and may need assistance setting it up initially.”

AI is going to come back with groups of information like demographics like age, income level, living situation, and tech savviness level. It also maps out their needs and motivations like safety and security, convenience, independence, peace of mind and social connection.

For preferences, you find out they value simplicity, reliability, ease of integration, customer support, and voice control. They worry about tech complexity, installation difficulty, ongoing maintenance, cost, privacy, battery life, or false notifications.

Their buyer behavior is identified by being influenced by family recommendations or doctors, wary of online purchases, emphasis on access to user manuals, requiring lots of information before purchasing, interest in warranties and return policies, and needing assistance with in-home set-up.

Additional Considerations

AI also gives you additional things to consider that we didn’t list, like physical limitations (can they see or hear okay?), cognitive challenges, can it be used in conjunction with other assistive tech gadgets, etc.? The actual AI output is much more detailed but I’m summarizing it here for you.

This strategy will come in handy once you have worked with AI to pinpoint profitable sub-niches that have a lot of interest on Amazon. It’s also a good starting point if you’re in a broad niche and you want to see who your buyers will be before you begin drilling down with AI.

The above consumer profile analysis that AI conducted might shed light on other sub-niches and products you want to zero in on. For your smart home site, you might look for other assistive tech gadgets that you can promote, like smart thermostats, automatic lighting, smart locks, voice-controlled assistants, wearable medical alert systems, medication dispensers, communication devices, text-to-speech readers, and more.

You can also ask AI for individual details such as giving you a list of pain points only or giving you a deep analysis of price points and how your audience thinks when shopping for a particular product.

Identifying High-Interest Amazon Sub-Niches with AI

AI Analyzing Data

Whether you do the previous step first or after you identify the sub-niches that are going to be profitable for you is up to you. But now, let’s look at how you can use AI to focus on uncovering products that you can review that are based on trends, bestseller lists, and related queries and discussions online.

For this process, you are going to be mining some data from the Internet. This is something that you could do yourself, but it would take a lot of time and effort, and there would still be things missed that AI can find easily.

For example, you can prompt AI like this: “Analyze the top 100 bestselling products in the Home Emergency Survival Kits on Amazon that I’ve attached in a list. Identify emerging subcategories and explain why they’re gaining in popularity.”

Because a normal AI tool doesn’t have immediate real-time access, you can copy and paste the list in. AI is going to tell you that things like water storage and purification products, 72-hour emergency kits, flood prevention products, and pet emergency products are gaining steam, and why.

Or, you can prompt AI with this: “Provide insight into general consumer trends in the survival product market in the last 6 months and identify areas where there is substantial profit growth.”

This doesn’t just mine the data from Amazon’s list. Instead, it taps into things like Google Trends and search queries as well as other consumer data. The information it delivers matches with some of Amazon’s information, like weather-related preparedness, water security, pet-inclusive preparations, and more.

It can’t tap into a real-time analysis, but it can go to whatever cutoff date it has. For example, Claude cuts off in April 2024. The observations is makes include a surge in content for urban preparedness, sustainable self-sufficient living, financial preparations, tech-integrated survival, mental health and survival, weather events, pandemic preparedness, and more.

Social Listening

Another prompt based on social listening might be: “Tap into social listening and tell me what people in survival communities are saying about sub-niche topics that are of interest to them.”

You get different results, like alternative energy, urban farming, cybersecurity, DIY first aid, bug out vehicles, permaculture, EMP preparedness, and foraging. Next, you can have AI find keyword research for you based on sub-niche competition and profit potential.

You can prompt AI like this: “Using your ability to conduct a keyword analysis, identify the top 10 sub-niches that have trended upwards in the survival niche for search volume in the past year.”

AI is going to tell you the focus is on urban prepping, off-grid living, wilderness survival, financial preparedness, home food production, water purification and storage, alternative energy, emergency communications, natural disasters, and first aid.

It also tells you what the drivers of those searches are, like concern about our infrastructure, food scarcity and inflation, desire for independence over traditional systems, and concerns about civil unrest.

Identify Subtopics

You can choose any of the sub-niches AI gives you and have it identify further groupings that will work specifically for Amazon review purposes like this: “When it comes to the topic of home food production as a survival issue, give me sub-topics for that subject that will have clusters of products I can promote for each one.”

It will organize the topics like this:

  • Indoor Gardening Products – hydroponic systems, grow lights, vertical gardening kids, seed starting trays, indoor composting bins, etc.
  • Outdoor Vegetable Gardening Products – raised bed kits, garden tool sets, organic fertilizers, pest control solutions, irrigation systems, greenhouses, etc.
  • Seed Saving and Storage Products – seed vault containers, dehumidifiers for seeds, seed envelopes and labels, seed viability testing kits, long-term storage seeds, etc.
  • Food Preservation Products – pressure canners, dehydrators, vacuum sealers, canning jars and lids, fermentation crocks, food-grade storage bins, etc.

Ask AI about Emerging Trends

emerging trends

After you conduct this research, you can ask AI the following question to help you craft a high-converting slant for your review: “I want to focus on food preservation products. Predict emerging trends in this sub-niche and identify an audience most likely to want that information.”

You’re going to find out that there is growing interest in smart preservation technology systems like devices that connect to apps and monitor the process. There is a move towards compact, affordable freeze-dryers, advanced packaging materials to extend shelf life, multi-functional preservation appliances, etc.

How do you use this information as an Amazon Associate? Let’s say AI identifies portable solar chargers among the top 100 bestsellers. You can create detailed review content that gives the top 3 features of the most popular ones where you compare and contrast the different brands or models.

Take the insight AI provides to you and transform it into a review strategy that directly discusses things of interest by the consumer segment you’re targeting. This can also be done in your social media that points back to the actual review on your blog.

Sub-Niche Info Needs for Your AI Amazon Reviews

Once you identify profitable, growing sub-niches, you can go back to AI to have it help you learn more about the audience(s) interested in that product and deep dive into their needs and concerns.

Prompt AI like this: “I want to write a review focusing on compact and affordable freeze dryers for survival food preservation. Based on social listening, reviews, comments, and more – what can you tell me about the needs and concerns of people who would buy this type of product for that purpose?”

AI is going to be able to tell you that they’ll be weighing the cost versus long-term savings. They want it to be truly compact and easily stored when not in use. It has to be user-friendly with a minimal learning curve.

They’re also interested in maintenance requirements and the availability of replacement parts. It has to be versatile, dehydrating not just fruits, but meats and vegetables or even full meals while retaining the nutritional value and flavor.

They want to know how long the food will last, how noisy the gadget is, if it has safety features, and how long it takes to complete a batch. It even gives you other things they’ll appreciate – like a bundle of recipes and tips for their dehydrating process. They also want to know about brand comparisons.

All of this information, when compiled into a comprehensive report, is going to make the purchasing decision a no-brainer. AI has given you a list of everything that customer needs to know, so if you exhaust it in your review, it becomes an offer they can’t refuse.

Take Your Pick

You can then go to Amazon and pick out a compact food dehydrator and copy a string of consumer reviews (choose from star ratings so you get a good mix and can address concerns, not just gush positively about everything) and paste it into AI for a summary of what consumer sentiment is.

For example, if we take the COSORI Food Dehydrator (a bestseller on Amazon) and paste reviews into AI it tells us insight about its versatility, capacity and design, performance, and more,

It points specific things out – like the fact that consumers emphasize how well it evenly dries across trays or drawbacks like it taking longer to dry than expected, but not being a major issue.

You can also ask AI to give you a list of problems people often encounter with a specific type of product so that you’re armed and ready with content that fights back against those concerns.

With everything organized and summarized for you, it makes it easy for you to come up with a slant for your product review. You can ask AI to do it for you like this: “Based on what we now know about the sub-niche topic of food preservation products (dehydrators specifically) and the audience who will want to buy it, give me a list of 10 slants for a product review that will resonate with an audience who wants to buy a compact food dehydrator for survival.”

AI will return with some general (or specific product) title options for you like this:

  • Space-Saving Food Preservation for Urban Preppers (general)
  • Preserving Vital Nutrients in Your Survival Food Stock (general)
  • Maximizing Your Harvest: Long-Term Food Storage with a Compact Food Dehydrator (specific)
  • Cost-Effective Prepping: Long-Term Savings with an At-Home Food Dehydrator (specific)

You can even work the brand name or product specifications into the title. AI also gives you a short blurb for your focus for each idea, like this: “Analyze the cost-effectiveness of home dehydration versus buying pre-packaged survival foods.”

AI-Driven Amazon Content Strategy Development

AI driven content strategy

Once the AI-driven consumer segment and sub-niche research is complete, you can move on to the content development process. For now, we’re going to focus on blog post reviews for Amazon products.

But you can also use AI to create various social media content for platforms like Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, and more. If you want a podcast where you discuss something, AI can create everything from talking points and show notes to a full transcript for you to adhere to.

There are different ways to write reviews. You can create top 10 list reviews, pit 2 products against each other, or write a review for a specific brand and model – or one for a purpose, where the product happens to be mentioned in the review.

Blog Post Outline

For the Amazon blog post reviews, start by having AI create an outline that prioritizes information for the consumer. You can prompt AI like this: “I want you to create an outline for a product review titled: Maximizing Your Harvest: Long-Term Food Storage with a Compact Food Dehydrator. I want the outline written where it prioritizes information that is important to the consumer – most important to least important.”

The outline will be organized with an introduction followed by areas of consumer importance in order – capacity and efficiency, versatility and food compatibility, longevity of dehydrated food, ease of use, durability, size and storage, cleaning and maintenance, additional features, value for the money, and drawbacks.

For each one, it gives a sub-outline. You can have it expand on any section. For example, we might prompt AI like this: “Expand on the Build Quality and Durability section and create a detailed outline for that section.”

Now under that section, it had already given us materials used in construction, expected lifespan of the product, and warranty and customer support. But an expansion gives us much more detail.

Take a look at this one area of the sub-section bullet point:

Build Quality and Durability

A. Materials and Construction

* Main body materials (e.g., stainless steel, BPA-free plastic) a. Resistance to corrosion and wear b. Food-grade certifications
* Tray construction a. Material (stainless steel, plastic, mesh) b. Durability and resistance to warping
* Heating element quality a. Type of heating element used b. Even heat distribution capabilities
* Fan and motor quality a. Motor type and expected lifespan b. Noise level as an indicator of quality

Now, if you did the same for every subheading in the original review, you’d have a comprehensive outline to work from – whether you took the DIY route for the writing or had AI do it for you.

Ask AI Questions

You can even ask AI questions like this: “When it comes to tray construction, what is the customer sentiment about this issue?” AI then tells you they have a strong preference for stainless steel – not only for durability, but because they fear plastic leeching into their food.

It goes on to cover other details like ease of cleaning, non-stick properties, capacity, mesh versus solid, replacement availability and more. These are things that can also help you when choosing the best product to review to ensure it meets with the needs of your audience.

You can then instruct AI to create the content for each section of your review one at a time like this: “Write the section of my review for the COSORI Food Dehydrator that discusses the materials and construction, addressing the concerns of the consumer to highlight why this is the right product for them. Include an analogy to make it more relatable.”

Check the Results

Now look at how it writes it to ensure that the information is included without just listing it: “The 10 stainless steel trays are the true workhorses of this dehydrator. Unlike plastic trays that can warp or degrade over time, these metal trays are built to withstand the test of time and repeated use. They’re resistant to corrosion, easy to clean, and dishwasher safe—a trifecta of features that any prepper will appreciate.”

When you need AI to create a strong call to action, prompt it like this: “Create a strong call to action for this product review based on the most pressing issues for my potential customer.”

Not only does it give a statement: “Don’t Leave Your Food Security to Chance – Act Now!” – but it also gives more content to shore it up like this:

Don't wait for the next global shortage or local emergency to start
thinking about food security. Take control of your future today.

Click here to order your COSORI Food Dehydrator now. Transform your 
approach to food storage, maximize your harvest, and gain the peace 
of mind that comes with true preparedness.

Remember, in survival situations, it's not just about having any 
food – it's about having the right food, properly preserved. 
Make the smart choice. Invest in your food security today.

If you want to go one step further, you can ask AI to give you content ideas that can be embedded into your product review to enhance it. Prompt it like this: “Give me ideas for an [infographic, video, image] to embed in this review that enhances the information in a relevant way.”

You’ll get ideas for things like a comparison chart that shows dehydration versus other food preservation methods (canning, freezing) when you compare things like shelf life, nutrient retention, energy usage, and space efficiency.

You can also take the finished product and tell AI to create a split test version for you that approaches the same information in a new way – or changes the content for you to use on social media, etc.

Increasing the Profits for Your Amazon AI Reviews

increasing profits

Another thing you may want to do in using AI for your Amazon product reviews is to have it identify additional ways for you to profit. For example, AI can tell you based on the product you are reviewing, what additional products that particular consumer is likely to add to their cart.

You get a commission on Amazon for everything that is added to the cart, not just what you sent them there to buy. These are things you can also link to if you want to make a quick affiliate link to include within the review.

So we might prompt AI like this: “For people who purchase the compact food dehydrator through my link, what are some additional items they are likely to add to their cart on Amazon?”

Instantly, AI comes back with the additional items they will need including things like vacuum sealers, mylar bags and oxygen absorbers, food-grade silica gel packets, airtight storage containers, food slicer or food processor, food-safe dehydrator sheets, jerky seasoning kits, food-grade buckets with gamma seal lids, label makers, food dehydrator recipe books, herb scissors, digital food scale, stainless steel mesh screens, reusable mesh produce bags, large cutting board, high-quality chefs knife, food safe desiccants, dehydrator cleaning brush set, fruit and vegetable wash, and emergency preparedness guidebooks that include food storage.

Imagine if your customer took that list and went to Amazon to purchase everything you recommended! You would increase your commissions significantly. Even if they bookmarked the link to your review and came back later to purchase it, they would eventually contribute to your revenue.

Ask AI How to Interlink Your Blog Posts

Another thing you can do is ask AI to analyze your current blog posts and advise you on how to best interlink the pages so that someone who purchases the dehydrator based on your recommendation is also able to navigate to a page for another product that may interest them, such as a food canning kit.

Or, you can ask AI what other types of products or uses you should be creating if you have certain products that are converting well for you on Amazon. That way, you can set up an interlinking system that keeps the consumer on your site and allows the product pages to open in a new tab.

Seasonal Slants

You can also add to your profits by having AI come up with some seasonal slants for your Amazon product reviews. It may not work for all niches, but it will for others. For example, if you are promoting the countertop mixing bowl, you can ask AI to give you seasonal slants where you can review and recommend the perfect countertop mixing bowl for Christmas.

AI will come back with slants such as:

* The Ultimate Holiday Baking Companion: Top Countertop Mixing Bowls For Christmas Cookie Exchanges
* Santa’s Helper in the Kitchen: Space Saving Countertop Mixing Bowls For Compact Christmas Cooking

AI Lead Magnets

You can also have AI map out complete buyers’ guides for you. These can act as lead magnets that link back to your blog posts where your product reviews are located. You will have it outline the buyers’ guide just as it did the original blog post, but instead of making your recommendations within the PDF, you will link back to the review where they can discover the right product for them.

You can also have AI create tutorials. For example, many Amazon associates like to approach their reviews in a way where it doesn’t seem obvious that they are promoting something, but instead they make the recommendation in passing.

An example might be teaching a tutorial on how to dehydrate beef for jerky. You can have AI create the entire tutorial for you and specify that you want it to include a section on the best dehydrator for making beef jerky.

You may also want to have AI work with you to create content such as top niche deals for Amazon Prime Days or for other special events that they host throughout the year where you can recommend good deals on certain products.

Using AI to Get Google to Rank Your Amazon Reviews High

It’s important that when you are using AI to craft the content for your Amazon product review blog, you are optimizing that content to rank well in Google and other search engines.

Start by having AI review the finished blog post to ensure that it is written with E-E-A-T (expertise, experience, authority, and timeliness) in mind. You can have it make recommendations for strategies that will enhance that important criteria.

Give AI a little bit of information about a personalized story and have it flesh it out for you in full so that your content appears to be more customized and written by you rather than a bot.

You can do the same by having personalized content for different segments within the sub-niche. So if it didn’t say enough about the individual in an apartment dwelling situation, you can have it add some verbiage that allows the reader to feel as if you understand them more.

You might prompt AI like this: “I have an article about a Ring Video Doorbell for apartment dwellers but it’s very technical and doesn’t really convey that I understand their situation on a more personal level. Write an introduction that shows empathy and understanding.”

It comes back with verbiage like this: “I understand the constant juggle between wanting to feel safe and secure in your home while respecting the rules and structure of apartment living. With a Ring Video Doorbell, you probably wonder if the apartment will allow it to be installed if your neighbors will feel like their privacy is violated, or if it will do any damage to the door.”

Backlink Strategy

I already mentioned interlinking, but you can also have AI help you with a backlink strategy, the development of alt tags for different media that you embed, a meta description, categories, and other SEO factors if you just ask.

If you are trying to target a specific keyword phrase or a cluster of keywords, you can ask AI to make sure that your content is optimized for that purpose. It can also optimize for voice search if you want to ramp up your ability to rank well even more.

There are many benefits to using AI to help you create hyper-targeted product reviews that are focused on a sub-niche and demographic audience. Not only does it help you in competing for more specific concepts in search engines, but it also alleviates the concerns of your readers in thinking that your recommendation might be right for others but not necessarily for them.

Instead, they will land on your page and read every word, taking your call to action to heart because it resonates with them so fully. You may even want to leverage AI by creating a chatbot for your site or on certain social media platforms that will send the user to a specific AI-driven product review page on your domain that is perfect for their needs based on the questions that they ask.

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