Trio of AI tools

Create the Best Marketing Output with AI

A Trio of AI Tools for the Best Marketing Output

There are so many artificial intelligence (AI) tools that it would be impossible to list them all. A new one is released into the marketplace almost constantly, making it hard for you to keep up with them.

As an online entrepreneur, you need the most effective AI for three reasons: to research, help you brainstorm, and create viable content. Of course, AI is also used for different purposes, like video or audio AI tools, graphics, and other things.

In general, the majority of us are using it for those three purposes. In the beginning, you likely chose ChatGPT like the rest of the industry to use in your marketing. As new competitors have emerged, you want to try them, too – but not to the point that it dilutes your productivity and makes things more complicated.

I have worked with ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude to find the strengths and weaknesses of each.

I’m going to share a strategy with you that allows you to combine these top AI tools so you can have a more robust experience that gives you more than what most marketers are settling for with their use of this technology.

Research Benefits of Using the AI Trio

To understand the power behind using these three AI tools, you have to understand where each one lacks in terms of deliverables for their intended purpose. When it comes to research, they all have unique capabilities and flaws

ChatGPT is effective at tapping into its training material and databases to deliver ideas on a broad spectrum of topics. It’s less capable when it comes to delivering more up-to-date information or highly detailed results unless you go through several iterations of prompting.

Gemini is a master of gathering information from the most current resources and making forecasts that are based on consumer behaviors and trends. But when you need it to deliver output that mimics human writing, it falters with superfluous language and repetitive wording.

Claude has an enhanced ability to be more precise with the requests you give it because it understands the context and tailors the results better. Its fault lies in sometimes being overly technical or complex.

Now that you’re aware of where each one excels and is lacking, it makes it easy for you to understand the power of having three tabs open on your computer and working with them side-by-side.

Results Comparison

For research in particular, you want to start by giving them all the same initial prompt. So let’s say your goal is to research your niche and we’ll use the survival niche as our example.

If you prompt AI with the following question, you’re going to get very different results: “What are the current trends in survival gear among consumers?” ChatGPT might be more broad and generic with its answers, such as telling you to focus on the integration of technology for communication and navigation as examples.  In this instance, it returned 5 broad trends with a paragraph about each:

  • Technological Integration
  • Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Products
  • Compact and Lightweight Gear
  • Modular and Multi-Use Equipment
  • Advanced Water Purification:

Gemini is going to return more detailed results. Not only does it say things like “Emphasis on Compact and Lightweight Gear” but it goes into greater detail about why, saying more people are living in apartments with limited space, and sharing the kinds of gear to consider (solar-powered chargers, compact first aid kits, etc.).  In my case, it returned 17 different trends in 6 areas:

  • Emphasis on Compact and Lightweight Gear
  • Integration of Technology
  • Focus on Sustainability
  • Personalization and Customization
  • Increased Interest in Specific Niche Activities
  • Other Notable Trends

When you see Claude’s results, you see the results ChatGPT and Gemini gave but you also see additional items:

  • Lightweight and compact gear
  • Multi-functional tools
  • Sustainable and eco-friendly products
  • Tech integration
  • Long-term food storage
  • Water purification
  • Emergency communication devices
  • Modular systems
  • Fire starters
  • Tactical-style gear

You want to choose the most basic one to use as your starting point and then scan through the others to see what else was added that the basic one didn’t include. Because Google and human visitors alike love to see comprehensive content that satisfies their need for information, your publications will exceed the usual posts found online.


Know Your Audience

Now let’s say you want to research your audience. This is so important in the marketing world. If you don’t have more than a surface-level understanding of who you’re catering to, you’ll lack the ability to be competitive.

In the survival niche, you might start with a seed prompt for all three AI tools like this: “Give me a customer profile of the people who are purchasing survival gear in 2024. Include demographic details as well as values, consumer behavior, and pain points as well as goals.”

Notice the differences in the output. Starting with ChatGPT, you’re going to have more broad output, like age: 25-50, gender: male-dominated, values: sustainability, quality, innovation, behavior: research-heavy shopping, brand loyalty, pain points: cost, overwhelmed by choices, goals: preparedness, safety, and so on.

As you can see it’s fairly generic information. But it’s also valuable to know. ChatGPT’s results will be based on common historical data. When you click over to your Gemini tab, you see more detailed breakdowns.

The age is broken down into 25-40-year-old professionals with families and the 50+ year old demographic is preparing for retirement and survival. The values are not things like quality, as ChatGPT stated, but self-reliance and other issues.

Consumer behavior has some overlap, such as being research-heavy when shopping. But it also states the repeat-purchase quality of this consumer and preference for online shopping with a wider variety of options.

The pain points differ in some respects, too – emphasizing how they don’t want to feel unprepared, lack trust in institutions, and don’t like disruptions to daily life. The goals are similarly broad like ChatGPT, with a few more items added to the list.

Gemini’s output stems from its ability to tap into more current data and statistics. Claude covers the basics the other two have given, with additions thrown in, like their education level and location, a value of community resilience, not just personal, and a willingness to pay more for better gear that’s reliable.

It also adds a pain point of social stigma and being perceived as extreme or paranoid, with an additional issue of struggling to find time to practice preparedness skills. It gives an additional goal of staying informed and mitigating risks with that information.

Claude is better at delivering more about the psychology that motivates their purchases and how current events can cause a shift in consumer behavior.

So now, whenever you conduct research with your triple AI approach, you’ll be making sure your process is complete and enhanced compared to the minimalistic approach used by other marketers who only lean on a single tool.

Trend Analysis

Conversation trend analysis can be conducted by all three as well. Depending on what version of ChatGPT you’re using, it may not have access to current discussions. It can still gather information from previous databases and summarize conversations that have taken place in a broad manner.

Gemini is going to use data and patterns to identify frequent sentiments. For example, it might tell you how the interest in PPE (personal protective equipment) gathered steam during the pandemic or tell you that millennials are a big demographic for off-grid living interests now.

Claude has a more nuanced understanding of content, so it analyzes things in more depth. For example, it can connect socio-economic frustrations to why there’s a certain shift in public interest about a certain topic or product.

It can use conversations online to pinpoint a focus on things like societal collapse fear or something else specific. It even tells you that consumers are no longer labeling it doomsday prepping but using wording like practical readiness or disaster readiness instead.

Predictive Analysis

Predictive analysis is another thing the three AI tools can do for you. ChatGPT isn’t really built for this purpose, but it can provide an educated guess in many instances based on patterns shown in a historical context.

Gemini is great at this task, and it can predict which survival gear will surge after certain events that are forecasted. If you’re using Claude, you’ll gain more understanding about the implications of current trends and how that will affect your niche market.


Brainstorming with Three AI Tools

Brainstorming is another task marketers use AI for. When you’re asking AI to help you brainstorm ideas for strategic purposes, a trio always delivers more than a solo tool can. When you don’t have a team of coworkers, AI (even just one) serves as a virtual teammate – but add two more to the mix and you have a more powerful decision-making tool.

Let’s talk about different scenarios and show how it works. We’ll start with brainstorming a general marketing concept like helping you decide what niche to go into. This is something a newbie needs guidance on, but nobody to turn to.

You can ask AI to help you determine the best niche for your interests and skills or have it compile ideas based on data and its profit potential. This will vary for each person depending on your prioritization of goals.

ChatGPT can inform the user about historical market trends, past consumer behavior and give you a summary of benefits and drawbacks for the niche so you can weigh your options before deciding.

Gemini is going to have better access to emerging trends and statistics, showing you search trends, underserved markets, and growing demand. It can also conduct a competitive analysis, too.

Claude is going to take a deep dive for you and look at cultural or societal trends and shifts in values or thoughts that might assist you. It can give more precise information about a particular slant in a niche that might be viable for you.


Now let’s look at something more specific, like how to monetize in your niche. You might prompt AI by asking it to suggest the best ways to monetize your specific niche topic. All three could have different results.

The response from ChatGPT might be more traditional like advertising and affiliate marketing. It can provide some examples of how to tap into profits within a niche. When you go to Gemini, it’s not only going to give you ideas but base them on existing and future trends, bringing customer analysis into play to help you get results.

Claude can give you more creative or unique ideas in addition to the others. These might be more aligned with consumer preferences and thought processes or lifestyle shifts.

Product Launch

These three AI tools can each help you in different ways, even if you need it to brainstorm a project process for you, like the launch of an info product course. Let’s see how that works for the three tools.

ChatGPT would outline the basic steps for you, including idea generation, content creation, platform selection, marketing promotional strategies and follow-up tips. Move over to Gemini and the results will be more detailed.

It’s going to advise you based on current user data to ensure you are choosing the best platform for delivery and performance. It will suggest pricing strategies based on a competitor analysis and it can forecast the success of your launch.

Claude’s tips not only have the basic details, but it is going to base its answer strongly on what resonates with the target audience, allowing you to zero in on what’s most compelling, not just common among competitors.

You can use this trio of AI tech to determine the best formats to deliver information in. ChatGPT can brainstorm ways to deliver course content, like a video module course, workbook, or interactive elements.

Gemini doesn’t just give options – it analyzes the audience to understand their preferred learning style and then makes suggestions like incorporating a visual or audio element based on the data it discovers.

Clause is going to have more of a human touch, so it’ll make sure your course is accessible and user-friendly to everyone. It will make suggestions about how to achieve this goal like providing transcripts for video modules, for example.

Repurposing Content

Repurposing content is another thing these three tools do well together. While ChatGPT suggests various repurposing strategies in general, like recommending you turn text into video, Gemini is going to take it one step further.

Its results will be based on data it sees for engagement and conversions, so it not only recommends what to repurpose something into, but which content should be repurposed.

Claude, on the other hand, is going to give you some creative twists on the existing content you have, so that you now appeal to a different audience segment or so your content is capable of aligning with a current trend that’s emerging, heightening its relevance to the target audience.


Triple AI Strategy for Content Development Improvements

One of the biggest demands on marketers in terms of time and effort is content. You need blog posts, emails, a variety of social media content, lead magnets, and info products (to name a few).

Many solo entrepreneurs use AI not just for the brainstorming process, but for content creation, too. You can start by having the tools come up with content ideas based on the prior research it conducted and the predictive capabilities it has.

Content Ideas

Let’s say you need ideas for a lead magnet that will appeal to survival preppers. You can ask AI for this information. ChatGPT will give you general information like a checklist for survival gear, a mini course on essential survival skills or an emergency food preservation guide.

These are all good ideas, but they’re ordinary. Gemini is going to be more detailed like a checklist for your quick evacuation bug out bag, a guide to blackout survival, or survival prepper bartering tips.

Claude has some of the same – like a 72-hour bug out bag checklist. But it also includes more practical ideas like a 30-day emergency food plan, an off-grid living quick start guide, a DIY home security assessment checklist and so on.

Once the basic ideas are presented, you can use the three AI tools to deliver possible titles and slants for your content. Let’s say we choose to prompt AI like this: “I like the idea of a 30-day emergency food plan. Can you give me title options and more details about the slant for that topic?”

You can then go through the three AI tool tabs and select the best title and slant, even mixing and matching them whenever you feel like it works best. The titles will vary in style.

ChatGPT gives us things like: Ready to Eat: 30-Day Emergency Food Blueprint. Gemini has a more detailed option like: Your Pantry Staples: A 30-Day Emergency Food Plan on a Budget.

Those two alone have very different slants – one broad and generic and one focused. Claude gives many options, including those with a mindset slant like this: Thriving, Not Just Surviving: A Month of Emergency Food Planning.

The slants are varied, too. ChatGPT gives you a broad objective to teach the basics of stocking up on non-perishable food sources that maintain nutritional quality and variety for survival.

Gemini is going to give you information about its slant such as making sure the food plan is based on staples that can be incorporated into everyday meals, so it’s more functional and doesn’t require extra long-term food storage.

Claude’s slants will be more aligned with how the reader feels, like showcasing a diverse meal plan to prevent food fatigue and low morale in emergencies, so you can find ways to capitalize on all three of these if you choose Claude’s title and main slant and include ChatGPT and Gemini’s ideas into the report, too.

Content Outline

Then, you can see how the trio performs when you want to brainstorm an outline for content. You’ll simply prompt it like this: “I like the ideas of: Thriving, Not Just Surviving: A Month of Emergency Food Planning where the report showcases a diverse meal plan strategy to prevent food fatigue and low morale in emergency situations. Give me a comprehensive outline for this lead magnet.”

What you’re going to see is the same system unfold – ChatGPT’s outline will be broad and generic (yet useful) including things like understanding emergency nutrition, stockpiling the right ingredients, and weekly meal planning strategies.

When you hop over to Gemini, it’s far more detailed, with specific sections about protein powder, flavor factors, various mealtime options, how it ties into morale, and more. Then, Claude expands on everything so it has maximum appeal, diving deep into familiar comfort foods, mixing ingredients for new flavors, and even offering advice for texture, mealtime routines, and more.

Start with the primary, most basic outline (in this case ChatGPT) and copy and paste the outline into a Word document. Go through and remove anything you don’t want included.

Then go to Gemini and scroll through until you find things that weren’t included in the ChaptGPT version. Sometimes it might be a single bulletpoint that fits nicely into one of the ChatGPT subsections. Paste that into your document.

Do the same with Gemini until you are satisfied that you have a comprehensive outline for your content piece. This works regardless of whether it’s a lead magnet, blog post, email, full info product, or something else.

Run the finished outline through all three and ask it for an analysis of whether it’s in a logical order and if anything is missing. Go over the results and apply the advice if you feel it needs changing.

Sometimes AI gives advice when nothing really needs to be altered. It’s like it’s trying to be helpful in some way so it tosses something out there. You oversee the entire process and make the final decision.


Putting it All Together

Your next step would be to see how the three tools work to help you combine the content output that it creates into one uniform, comprehensive piece. You can give prompts to each one like this: “Based on the outline attached, write the introduction to this lead magnet.”

Sometimes, you might like the output of one of the three better than the others. But you still want to quickly scan through the results because there may be a sentence or paragraph that has a big impact on your content and you want to extract that and add it to your original choice.

Just make sure you don’t have overlap from all three versions going into the same content. You can do this with each section as you go through your outline until you have the finished draft.

Again, if you want to provide each of the AI tools with the finished product and ask for improvement recommendations, feel free to do that. Just remember that it may restate some of the advice or content that it gave you previously that you ignored, so don’t feel pressured to include it.

You may find that the recommendations vary across all three tools as well. For example, ChatGPT may be best at making sure you have a consistent and logical flow of information, while Gemini is going to look for any gaps in information or data that could enhance it.

Claude, on the other hand, is going to assess the emotional impact or readability of your content and make sure that it is poised to garner as much engagement and a claim as possible for you.


You can even ask the three AI tools to help optimize the final version (if it’s a blog post) and see what each one provides for you to help it rank well in the SERPs (search engine results pages). You’re always free to take the DIY route or only use one AI tool.

You can use this same strategy when developing sales copy, bridge page copy, or ad copy for your online marketing efforts. You will apply it the same way you do any other project, with a single starting point among all three.

For example, if you asked AI for help with a strong storyline that you can include in your sales copy, you can pick whichever one you like most and then feed it to the other two and have it work from that for the rest of your sales letter, including bullet point benefits, the call to action, etc.

When these three powerhouse tech gadgets pull together to provide output that is far better than what others are using, you stand to make big gains in the industry and your niche in particular, with just a bit more effort than it took before.

If you are just getting familiar with artificial intelligence it may seem overwhelming to use three tools over one.  You’ll probably find that it’s easier when you have more input from three reliable sources rather than having to sit there and re-prompt one AI tool over and over again to get the results that you want.

Even though it adds a couple of extra steps to your process, AI is still going to be a fast-track solution to your content marketing efforts. Only now, you will have enhanced insight and content that resonates deeply with your target audience and sets you apart from a crowded field.

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